Easter Holy Week
at Mount Olive
Join us Easter Sunday, March 31st | 6:30 and 9:00 am
Maundy Thursday, March 28th - 7 pm
Good Friday, March 29th - 7 pm
What can you expect in Maundy Thursday & Good Friday Worship
What is Maundy Thursday?
On Maundy Thursday we remember the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus with a communion service.
What is Good Friday?
Today, we remember the Crucifixion of Christ. We call it Good because we know the story doesn’t end there!
Service Length
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services begin at 7:00 pm and will last around one hour.
Worship Style
We invite you to come as you are - no dress code. Our worship is a blend of traditional hymns and messages rich in story telling that keep you engaged and inspired.
For Kids?
We love to see and hear little people in church. Don't worry if yours is a little noisy! We've all been there and the memories make us smile!
We believe a little noise in the house of God is always a good thing!
What can you expect on Easter Sunday?
Why Easter?
Why is Easter a big deal for Christians?
Easter is when we see God's promise of a Savior who will suffer, die and rise again to bear all our sins is fulfilled.
The cross, Christ's sacrifice and His resurrection is our picture of hope. We have new life, new beginnings and the promise of heaven.
We invite all to come to Mt. Olive and hear the message of hope.
Easter Breakfast
Our teens group (Teens for Christ) will be serving a full breakfast between the worship services.
There will be a free will offering that supports the teens in their different events, mission trips, and national conferences.
6:30 am Service
& 9 am Service
Our two Easter services are full of joy as we celebrate Jesus' resurrection with special music and words of hope. If you have children, make sure you pick up a children's bulletin. Pastor Birtell will also invite the children up front to hear a special message.
This is a communion service where we receive the forgiveness of sins with the bread and wine. You will notice children come to the Lord's table too and receive the blessing of forgiveness, but don't partake of the bread and wine.
Traditionally, people dressed in Easter finery, but today you will find people dressed anywhere from casual to fancy. We invite you to come as you are.
Family Photo Op
Stop by our Easter photo booth setup and get a family picture snapped. Cmon’, just do it for Mom, you know she will love it